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People of Walmart

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I witnessed a large woman pee on a pregnancy test in the middle of a Walmart parking lot, clean herself off, then wander around with the test hanging out of her mouth, waiting for her result. Where in the name of Christ do these people come from? FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 907
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dear God! I just hope that the test result is negative..

grahmagog 14

Im never suprised by walmart customers any more


No need to be so pissy about the situation.

Urine above your head with all these piss puns.

Ureally need some new material, number 1.

B_CeouL 12

In this situation, saying "number 1" would be more appropriate

A lot and a lot of alcohol. Beer goggles do wonders.

They are probably Wal-Martians themselves.

Docbastard is back! It's kinda sad how happy that made me.

Gurllllll he's been back. But you on the other hand, where have you been baby cake? ;) Wait, I don't even know you. D:

example of a ratchet out in the wild

HankMacDaddy 3
grahmagog 14

Im never suprised by walmart customers any more

That is what I was thinking.. Walmart attracts a different breed of characters.

JFloUnknown 24

Walmartians strike again...

MichellinMan 20

They come from the deepest pits of hell.

I always said going to Walmart is a major self esteem boost

The website "people of Walmart" numbed my wtf senses for these people.

Dear God! I just hope that the test result is negative..

What if the test came back "aladeen?"

"So are you having a boy or an abortion?"

Is it bad if I have no idea what #50 is talking about?

It's a reference to a movie called "the Dictator"

I have no idea either, but I think it has something to do with "the Dictator", which I chose not to watch as I'm not a big fan of Sasha Baron Cohen..

Watch it anyway, you won't regret it.

inthedopeshow 17

Ah, Walmart. Thank god they sell bleach, use it on your eyes after some of the things you see in there...

It's like a train wreck. You know you shouldn't stare, but you can't help it.

iiDangerCloseBK 6

Yeah, because us hicks do these things all the time.

People do that in the north too? I found a pregnancy test in walmart in minnesota

iiDangerCloseBK 6

I'm from the South too... For ***** sake can anyone on FML take a joke?

titibug823 11

Those people should not breed!

I don't think the woman did... Or let's at least hope so!

With a name like "titibug823", neither should you.

Sounds like something you'd see on Honey BooBoo.

Omg. That's exactly what I was thinking!!

I really don't understand why she couldn't have just used the Walmart bathroom.....

lexi365 20

That requires common sense...

websphere69 27

you beat me to that one, to bad they don't sell common sense at walmart!

Its horrible having to work there and deal with those kind of people all day long. I cant say the number of times ive had to bite my tounge.

Agreed ! I worked at a walmart and now with this weather comes the guys in cut off shorts, or booty shorts and boots !! GAG !

You are a saint 96. We appreciate your sacrifice.

cause they're gross, and I'm a guy saying that.