
By NeverGonnaGetAny - 23/02/2009 19:28 - United States

Today, I was discussing sex with my guy friends in their dorm when I asked one of them what he would do if I got naked and crawled into his bed. He replied, "Nothing. You're one of the guys now." They all agreed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 791
You deserved it 24 048

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a guy, let me tell you that that is one of the best compliments you can receive.

Cloudy_fml 0

Well, would you rather them think of you as a piece of ass instead of as a friend? Take it as a compliment... Unless the "fml" part is that you've got the hots for your friends or something.


A GIRL friend zoned by a GUY? I don't even...

inkdeath87 18

Ok, why would you even discuss sex as a casual topic. And what would make you ask them that!?!?!

I have been "one of the guys" with my own friends and then became one with several ex's friends. Its not all that bad. I get bros for life and should ever anything happen that I can't handle, I've got backup and being a chick but still one of the guys, if my bros need advice with their girlfriends, I give valuable insight lol.

They don't want sound like the typical "horny guys" to you. It's that simple.

I feel absolutely no sympathy for you. You're in a room full of male friends and you single one out and come on to him in front of everyone else and what? You expected him to go into detail about what he'd like to do to you? Or for everyone to decide it was gang bang night? I'd be a lot more sympathetic if it was just an exchange between you and one of your guy friends but you made a spectacle of it and unless you were ready to start dating the first one to respond "favourably" you're just begging for unnecessary attention.