Personality crisis

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Marietta

Today, I told my dad about my new diet. He somehow figured I was only doing it to look more attractive to guys, because he told me my weight is fine and that it's just my personality that needs work. Thanks a lot, Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 945
You deserved it 1 999

Top comments

He's got a point; as a guy, nothing is more attractive than a gal on a diet. I can barely contain myself when I hear about somebody doing Atkins. And forget about fellatio, all I care about is paleo. You're just trying to tempt us with your sexy, sexy food intake restrictions.

CrassKal 27

Depending on the specifics, that advice might be sound. There are many negative personality traits that can chase away others, and that a person would likely do better without. Perhaps you can get ask an unbiased source if they notice any behaviors of yours that can send the wrong message or come off as unpleasant.


That seems to be good advice though. People tend to think that that's an insult, when actually people need to work on their personality in order to improve them. Even when they have generally good personalities, there may always be traits that need work.

Ouch. That sucks, trying to better yourself and then getting shot down, especially by family. Don't read too much into it; if he raised you he's probably spent a lot of time analyzing your personality and how it reflects back on him as a parent. At least he didn't tell you that you NEEDED the diet, too!

At least he didn't call you fat :)

I guess not being called fat is better than being told your personality is shit??

Malsain_fml 10

#16 I am not sure it is. Actually, I don't know neither OP nor the dad. But in theses times, I am pretty sure that telling a young girl not too loose weight to fit with society model-standards is a good advice. Most teenagers go on a diet without really needing it. And even if it's the case, the advice of working on the personnality is a goiod one anyway.

good chance he is trying to be supportive and not wanting you to be self conscious about your looks, just came out wrong. I'd be able to explain better, but I'm a dad myself..

Sounds like your dad's personality could use a once-over too!

A dad will steer you in the right direction. Work on both and ask him to clarify and help. Don’t take it as an insult.