Petty quibble

By Time wasted - 18/06/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend spent forty minutes making pasta sauce when we had a perfectly good jar of pasta sauce in the pantry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89
You deserved it 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he wasted his time on you, hope he ate all of it. Eat your store-bought and shut it.

How did it taste? If it was good, let him take pride in his work.


How did it taste? If it was good, let him take pride in his work.

Sounds like he wasted his time on you, hope he ate all of it. Eat your store-bought and shut it.

Underscore_foo 4

Good for him. Making food from scratch is a wonderful process for some, uses fresh ingredients, and tastes better.

Here's a thought... Instead of being ungrateful and scoffing at someone wanting to take the time to treat you to something home cooked, help him prepare it next time. You'll get to spend time together, learn something new and build a bigger bond.

Coming from an Italian American family, I try to keep my heritage alive through cooking. Did you ever think that might be one of the reasons he did that? When compared to sauce made from scratch, there is no such thing as perfectly good sauce in a jar. I hope you either apologize profusely or he dumps you for being so u grateful.

What's wrong with homemade sauce? I HATE sauce from a jar, it's always too sweet.

Also, judging from your title, you already know that YDI and just need extra attention.