
By Kamilah - 03/05/2024 14:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I learned that my husband “accidentally” let the dog out and allowed her to be eaten by an alligator because I got a male coworker, who is also a good friend of mine, a birthday present. We had an argument about our friendship, which apparently bothers him. I’d had that dog since I was a junior in high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 806
You deserved it 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

File for divorce and press charges. He’s a ******* psychopath.

mourka 5

that is horrible i would be completely heartbroken if i lost my pet. 😥


File for divorce and press charges. He’s a ******* psychopath.

mourka 5

that is horrible i would be completely heartbroken if i lost my pet. 😥

That’s pretty awful if OP’s husband did that intentionally. Less bad if it really was an accident… I have lived in Florida, some subdivisions have canals near the homes and that attracts alligators…

There’s petty and there’s absolutely criminally vile. Petty would have been buying a gift for a female co-worker. This is the work of someone who should be locked up forever.

Wadlaen 23

Sounds like your husband is insecure about the strength of your relationship as see your new coworker as a threat. I suggest you talk to him and also show him that there's nothing to be afraid of for him, you've just gained a friend.

wrecklesswfire 3

he killed her dog, he’s godda go

wrecklesswfire 3

he better become an ex-husband now

d j mom 6

accidentally let him get eaten by an alligator.

Shit happens pets get out out sometimes. You really think he would murder a dog over a birthday present? Even if he didn't, if you really thing so little of him it doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.