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Demon child

By Anonymous - 03/05/2024 15:00 - United States

Today, my Scout troop was to work on my Eagle project. We specifically told everyone where to be and when, except one annoying kid we don't want there. His mother pawns him off on us because he's an aggressive, violent little maggot who can't be trusted with a Fisher-Price screwdriver. Guess who showed up anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 415
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if only there was a place he could go to learn life skills and being part of a team... nah better to exclude him from life that'll help his behavior

I hope your project went well anyway. Your goal was to lead others through a task. It sounds like you did that. In life you will lead many people like that scout. ... At NYLT my son proposed that sometimes the best way to get a problem person to stop being a problem was to encourage them to Eagle. He and I discussed a problem Life-scout who was always contrary to the troop and even scout methods. But as expected as soon as he eagled, we never saw him again. Remember sometimes you promote the problem to where they are no longer an issue.


I hope your project went well anyway. Your goal was to lead others through a task. It sounds like you did that. In life you will lead many people like that scout. ... At NYLT my son proposed that sometimes the best way to get a problem person to stop being a problem was to encourage them to Eagle. He and I discussed a problem Life-scout who was always contrary to the troop and even scout methods. But as expected as soon as he eagled, we never saw him again. Remember sometimes you promote the problem to where they are no longer an issue.

if only there was a place he could go to learn life skills and being part of a team... nah better to exclude him from life that'll help his behavior

How can you treat a kid like that? You can scare him for life! Instead try working together with the kid the parents and maybe some pro help