
By unamyous - 08/06/2012 13:26 - United States - Canoga Park

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting hot in the bedroom. Her phone rang and she stopped to have an hour long conversation with her ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 649
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments


funnygirl20010 0

Dump her let her go back with her ex

bobsters 0

You should dump her if she's talking to her ex and not doing you

Wow that's really shitty. Sounds like a bitch.

Man screw that. I would dump her right then an there. Thas just cold man xD

Unless their are kids, I strongly suggest leaving.

Seems her ex is a cockblocking dog haha did you leave her

hiandrews69 29

If there is a next time, smash the phone.