
By bitchface - 09/01/2010 04:08 - United States

Today, I looked at my father's Facebook for the first time in a month to see a status saying, "Making wedding plans!" Really? When was he planning on telling his own daughter? FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 903
You deserved it 3 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he's telling you via facebook. Welcome to the 21st century! 

AA357 0

YDI for not putting a question mark.


das_sherm69 0

is it possible that he is helping someone else plan their wedding? and simply phrased it poorly? just trying to voice possible alternate idea...

amberbby69 6

Even thought you found out on facebook, at least you found out before he actually did get married. lol

You didn't happen to be in a Bath & Body Works in Orland Park IL on Friday night, did you? Because someone behind me in line had the same thing happen to them. (Yes, I was listening in.)

jaeilssanguh 0

OP seems to know what a question mark is, but forgets what it is about nine words later. Quite a short memory span you got there.

Who cares? Are you telling your dad everyone you date? He's got his own life and you've got yours.

There is a difference between not telling someone who you are dating and getting married without telling your child. I mean no real parent would want to find out their child got married after the fact, it works the other way around to.

sweetbiotch88 0

maybe he was waiting for a good time, although if he's planning already he can't care much. fyl

Something like that happened to me once. I looked at his facebookpage, and suddenly I saw some girl in the 20s that he was "in a relationship" with, and she had my last name. They weren't married, had never met each other and she lived on the other side of the globe.

AndreaHatesYou1 0

When his own daughter learns that question marks go at the end of questions.