Please leave

By Anonymous - 14/06/2023 00:02

Today, it’s been two weeks since my partner invited his sad sack best friend to temporarily move in. I hate his guts. Apparently his mother’s house, which he still lived in, has mold damage and they don’t know how long it will take to repair. Oh, and his quack doctor prescribed him literal dirt to eat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 773
You deserved it 149

Same thing different taste

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I know that in Haiti, the dirt in some places is so full of calcium that people mix it with oil and salt and eat it. Maybe the friend lacks calcium as well as trust in doctors and will to live?


I know that in Haiti, the dirt in some places is so full of calcium that people mix it with oil and salt and eat it. Maybe the friend lacks calcium as well as trust in doctors and will to live?