Sorry Noah

By pummy - 30/09/2009 00:48 - United States

Today, I got an iPhone, I was excited and because I have a new number, I wanted to mess with my girlfriend a little. I started sending her provocative messages, and after 4 or 5 of them, I discovered I had entered her number wrong and was talking dirty to a man named Noah. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 247
You deserved it 33 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i totally thought this was going in a different direction!

amerrah 4

Hmm I wonder if Noah invited him to ride his ark.


i totally thought this was going in a different direction!

amerrah 4

Hmm I wonder if Noah invited him to ride his ark.

Hotness you should have seen where the provocative conversation would go ; )

lol yep me too!!! lol I though his GF was gonna get mad lol

Forgetting your own girlfriend's number...o.o 

i thought your gf would go along with it and you would get mad haha

that's an iPhone for ya it's only the first of mistakes b careful this phone has a mind of it's own

j3nn1987 0

Well look on the bright side... At least they didn't play it out! that woulda been embarrassing!