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Pleased to meet you

By Cookie Monster nom nom - 17/05/2021 15:01 - United States

Today, I went out on a date with a cute girl. Everything was going great, until the food arrived. She not only shoveled food into her mouth like it was going to run away, she also smacked, sucked her fingers and laughed out loud with her mouth completely full. It was like dining with a 5-year-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 127
You deserved it 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LMAOOOOO Awwww. This may sound weird and I could be spewing BS, but that sounds super adorable. And funny. She may have that and a few weird sides of her (we all do, including you OP) but she can overall be a decent lady. I'd explore her a little more before you consider her unorthodox style of eating a red flag. If you and her hit it off and it works out, you'll at least know the key to her heart: FEED HER! 😍

That's a test you probably didn't pass xD


LMAOOOOO Awwww. This may sound weird and I could be spewing BS, but that sounds super adorable. And funny. She may have that and a few weird sides of her (we all do, including you OP) but she can overall be a decent lady. I'd explore her a little more before you consider her unorthodox style of eating a red flag. If you and her hit it off and it works out, you'll at least know the key to her heart: FEED HER! 😍

Annies 17

If I were in that situation, there would not be a second date, period. Excessive noise while eating is an absolute dealbreaker for me. I feel sorry for you that you had to go through that, OP.

That's a test you probably didn't pass xD

mccuish 25

She seems like my type of girl

Tammy Gabb 5

You don't know her history her upbringing could be the root cause. Maybe she had to fight to survive so learned to get as much as possible. Give her a chance

my husband had a gf like that before we met. from what he told me she'd have to hover over and eat her food so fast so her siblings wouldn't take anything off her plate. as an only child (and born into an Italian family that makes enough food to feed an army), to me that's crazy.

trying to be funny like the White Chicks movie

Good lord. Pardon a girl for acting like a human and enjoying her time and meal. She should be ashamed for displaying such behavior. *Insert eye roll here* honestly I would find it cute. And I dont even swing that way. She deserves better.