By unappreciated husband - 28/03/2014 21:43 - United States - Pullman

Today, my wife got her period. Every single time, she ends up asking me to go buy her some Midol after a few days of trying to tough it out, so I decided to buy her some ahead of time. She reacted by yelling at me for treating her like a child and implying that she couldn't go buy it herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 019
You deserved it 5 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HJKM_fml 19

Next time just buy it and don't show it to her. Then, when she asks for it, just give it to her.

I feel like some girls use periods to justify just being bitchy


adam_tajyar 10

Women's are nuts during that "special time of the month"

So are men. Except while a woman's cycle is 28 days long, a man's is 23. They act like assholes more often.

I seriously cannot stand women that use their period as an excuse to act like a complete psycho with no control of your emotions, seriously, no matter how painful the cramps are or the hormones or whatever, it's not that hard to have a little thing called 'self control'... maybe then there wouldn't be so many PMS jokes.

Wow you're such a sweet husband!!! Sorry you got chewed out

That's actually an opportunity you should take to get away from the moody period lady. Buy beer and her midol. Chug the beer before going back inside the house to give her the meds.

The worst part, they are all the same.

mwanaa 7

Lmao thats the female species for U SMH. Sorry loving them sucks at times.

MrZsDad 19

If you married her you knew you were screwed to begin with. If ya try to be a sweet heart buy her chocolates, dumb ass..

youdont 4

haha that's funny so get her some chocolate and flowers if you get her midol early