By unappreciated husband - 28/03/2014 21:43 - United States - Pullman

Today, my wife got her period. Every single time, she ends up asking me to go buy her some Midol after a few days of trying to tough it out, so I decided to buy her some ahead of time. She reacted by yelling at me for treating her like a child and implying that she couldn't go buy it herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 019
You deserved it 5 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HJKM_fml 19

Next time just buy it and don't show it to her. Then, when she asks for it, just give it to her.

I feel like some girls use periods to justify just being bitchy


You should show her all these comments,it might be a lesson learned well

specialist8404 10

This is what you do OP: buy a bottle and leave it in you car. Then we she asks you to go get some use the time to get out of the house for a few and just take a drive. Then show up with the bottle later. It's a win win!

Has nobody noticed that he said he bought them "ahead of time", implying she might actually not have been on her rag at that point? :P 1) Physical pain never gives someone a reason to be a bitch. Quote #33. 2) Sure, angry spurts can come on during your period, but really? When you've found out that your loving husband has done something sweet for you? That's not something you should be blaming period hormones on. Something I've learnt from having a severe hormonal imbalances is that being whiny and immature all the time will very quickly push everyone you love away from you. TL;DR: OP, your wife is a bitch, whether or not she was on her period at the time.

cryssycakesx3 22

"today, my wife started her period..."

Yeah, I can read... it was phrased to mean "even though she's on her period, it doesn't excuse her being a bitch".

That's just bloody awful. On the bright side OP, it's the thought that counts.

I don't understand how a grown woman with a regular period could be that moody. Maybe I will cry at a Downy commercial, but I'd never whip the claws out on my boyfriend for doing something thoughtful. I don't see how she took it that way. bitches makin' excuses and shit to justify their tantrums.

Regular timed cycles don't mean it isn't out of balance in other ways. Frankly that's worse, a clockwork period that is not producing the right hormonal levels? Sounds like hell.

martin8337 35

What a bitch. I think divorce is your next step.

Maybe she needs to see a dr. Sometimes there's an issue if cramps and emotions are out of control. Good luck.

frizz101 22

Why do you have to buy midol every month?

Uhh because she has her period every month?

So? Is he buying them by the pill or something? Most bottles have caplets in multiples of ten, think 60, 100. If she's using a whole bottle a month, during the one week of her cycle she's bleeding, you have a problem that's bigger than moodiness.

If she knows she has tough periods, she should buy several months' worth supply of Midol at a time, herself. It is her responsibility and she ISN'T taking care of herself. I am one of the fortunate females, mine are not agonizing and I don't turn horrible. It DOES affect me but relative to some people it's mild. My boyfriend is a dote, and I try not to but I do get whiny :/ but he doesn' complain and I'm very lucky to have him around at that time.