
By mm - 12/11/2012 17:27 - United Kingdom - Warrington

Today, I went to see a movie with three of my friends, and I was sharing popcorn with one of them. Halfway through the movie, my friend asked me why I wasn't eating our popcorn. I then realised I'd been taking popcorn from the man sitting next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 866
You deserved it 8 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you catch the guy's facial expression when you finally realized this?


wildsweetchild 19

That can be a great way to meet somebody...plus seems like he's not a bad guy, since he didn't say anything to you while you were munching on his popcorn ;)

mykelinva 4

He didn't say anything? Maybe he was waiting for your hand to get to the bottom of the popcorn bag.

Psych101 9

After you have the hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag, it's basically just a waiting game for her to get to the bottom.

clumsydude 10

That happens in dark theaters! He either didn't notice or didn't care! If he did, he'd have said something. It's happened to me & I just say excuse me but, I think you're sharing the wrong popcorn or something to that effect! Not being rude or anything! I've even shared with strangers before, I mean, it's just popcorn!!

Yeah, it's just popcorn but who knows where those hands have been! I always use hand sanitizer as soon as i get into my seat and avoid touching the seats/armchairs.

RedSnuwolf 4

He probably noticed and was waiting to see when you realized what was going on. Great to tell your friends what happened.. "so I was at the movies when suddenly..."

Whistlee 8

Hey, well you got it for free at least!

Poor guy thought he was going to get lucky if he shared his popcorn. You shouldn't lead guys on like that.

Haha that's hilarious! Did he mind? Cause I can't see why that's an fml unless he was a hobo

viper_dlh04 1

You could have atleast offered the guy your drink.

heinous966 15

Hey, it could be a way to meet people, if you or the person doesn't mind their food being touched.

Lol omg I would have been embarrassed, I would have just said nothing and started eating mine so it wasn't awkward