Praise the Lord

By Zippermania9 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you fall asleep in church, people will think you're having a spiritual moment, and you'll wake up to ten people praying for you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 241
You deserved it 13 883

Top comments

I can say from experience that this is a true story. Until they realize you were sleeping the whole time, and then give you angry looks every Sunday afterwards.


aidenkush 0

lmao I fell asleep in church I woke myself up from snoring too loud : p

melonsmasherrr 0

I never go to church because I'm an atheist, but when my mom used to force me when I was younger, I'd fall asleep and no one was praying for me. That's a good thing though. You live near weird people.

introtome 0

I think this happens to me about.... every Sunday . ha

oshi16toofly 0

when I fell asleep in church no one prayed for me my dad would wake me up and whoop my ass for sleeping in church. no lie

fmlperson1724 0

hahahahahahahahahahhhahahaha LMFAO!!!! xD

Why is it an FML that people were praying for you? You make no sense. :/