
By Awesome. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mom admitted that she always makes me put away the dishes because my obsessive compulsive tendencies force me to arrange the glasses and silverware by size, just the way she likes them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 524
You deserved it 5 157

Top comments

Smart mom; way to put your child's mental disorder to good use!

enonymous 8

Sounds like you found your calling. My dishwasher is full and just clean now get to work


sighawkward 6

Well I wonder where you get it from??

I think for placing the dishes n glass ware neatly is still acceptable but it maybe not be that good for certain things. OCD can be destructive. Try to correct it if it disturb ur life coz not everyone can accept it. Unless ur partner can accept it.

sweetbabysweet93 10

If it were that easy to correct, people suffering from OCD would just fix it. You have no idea how hard it is to live with or try to overcome OCD.

yoshivar2002 0

I actually don't think being organized qualifies as OCD...

kiya18 0

Lol ur moms kinda messed up for that

josiemorehouse 12

I agree with 36. Being neat and organized does not equal OCD. I have panic attacks when the condiments are not put away correctly in my house. I have OCD. FYI quit complaining about chores, OP, it could be much worse.

i dont get the people that say your mom is smart, i mean its like u will be temporery blind and ur mom would steal ur money or that u would be deaf and ur mom would make funny noises at u and make fun of u (sorry for my bad english :P)

jaredofmo 22

Thumbs up to your mom for finding a good side to your disorder!

CiaranPM 0
jerico616 14