
By Awesome. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mom admitted that she always makes me put away the dishes because my obsessive compulsive tendencies force me to arrange the glasses and silverware by size, just the way she likes them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 524
You deserved it 5 157

Top comments

Smart mom; way to put your child's mental disorder to good use!

enonymous 8

Sounds like you found your calling. My dishwasher is full and just clean now get to work


At least she doesn't get you to clean the floor buddy of mine with OCD would take hours to clean the floor. Glad I don't have it

You people do know that the op's mom used the op OCD to her advantage, right. |Oh wait, I completely forgot, its ok to use someone's disorder to someones advantage, like you people above suggested/sarcasm

I feel for ya, i have the same obsessive need, just with books.

bubo_fml 10

@ least she's not like my ex-Bro-in-law. He worked w/ autistic kids & used to hide letters from their toy alphabet sets. He said they'd freak when they couldn't find the missing letters...

I do that just because I have to. I don't see the problem here :S

Lemarine 7
elizacandle 29