
By Awesome. - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my mom admitted that she always makes me put away the dishes because my obsessive compulsive tendencies force me to arrange the glasses and silverware by size, just the way she likes them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 524
You deserved it 5 157

Top comments

Smart mom; way to put your child's mental disorder to good use!

enonymous 8

Sounds like you found your calling. My dishwasher is full and just clean now get to work


what a bitch.. now she has told u. fight the urge on that OCD moment from now on. I have OCD as well. so good luck. if u can't find another one of your OCD things but make it one she will hate. and do it often as u do the dishes

You would think that your OCD would make you spell the word "you" correctly. My OCD makes me want to punch people like you who can't take a tenth of a second to type two extra letters.

OCD totally sucks! I don't even have the "useful" kind of obsessive compulsive habits like arranging/cleaning things.

leadman1989 15

With great power comes great responsibility... I have a bit of OCD too if I don't rinse a something before using it even if it was JUST cleaned I get anxiety.

My mom always makes me do the things that she wants done the best. If the car is a huge mess, she makes me clean it because she knows that I'll vacuum every inch and wipe down every surface. If the bathroom is nasty, she makes me do it because she knows I'll even wash the back of the toilet. It's frustrating to be forced to do everything perfect. It'll take me two hours and I'll miss out on time with my friends or other free time. It takes my siblings five minutes, they do a crappy job, and they're allowed to do stuff.

n that's good parenting.... faced with a problem n finding good solutions

It's kinda normal to help your parents with little chores when you live in their house, so get over yourself. Just because you have a problem doesn't mean you do not have to do anything.

Get help. For yourself and your mother. And by 'help' I mean swallowing the business end of a shotgun.

There are way worse things to be obsessive about. Turning your problem towards something useful doesn't make it any less frustrating for you, but at least it makes things look nice.

michi23 0

Im pretty sure my mom has said that to me before too, its a compliment, idk why you think your life sucks over that.

justbigbs 6