
By notagoodsign - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Netherlands

Today, while watching Animal Planet, I realised my boyfriend uses the Dog Whisperer techniques on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 124
You deserved it 9 519

Top comments

That's what happens when you're a bitch.

OP: I love you! Boyfriend: *scratches OP's ears* Such a good girl! OP: What the **** are you doing? Boyfriend: *hits OP's nose with newspaper* Bad girl! Bad girl! OP: Ooh yes, tell me I'm a bad girl!


skinnydiptaco 0

False. Dog Whisperer is only on National Geographic. It's Me Or The Dog is on Animal Planet.

You should read a little before writing. She's from Holland, and there it is on Animal Planet, as in most of Europe, actually.

supahnazi 0

cenobyte: u cant b serious.

Nah, I'm kidding about the exercise, discipline, affection. The calm-assertive attitude is what really works on humans.

Ha I bet your like NuNu, the evil chihuahua from the first episode on season 1. if you haven't seen it, look it up and you will know what I mean.


I think 3 beat boners to the punch this time, his joke was better.

I was being sarcastic.. I can clearly see that it says Holland.

Y'all are thinking the same thing I am huh? Because you're a dumb b¡tch!

I always use his techniques with people. the man is a genius.