Prove it!

By Pika - 09/10/2017 01:30

Today, in the midst of an interview, I was asked what my best qualities are. I panicked and quickly responded that I can make a great Pikachu impression. They wanted to hear it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 068
You deserved it 2 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me you did the impression!

This sounds like the exact opposite of an FML! You clearly were applying for the Pikachu voice actor position for the new 3 D Pokemon Red game. Good luck! I hope you get the job! Piiii Pika-chuuuuuuuu!


Were you prepared at all? That's one of THE job interview questions. There's no job interview without it.

And that's why you practice for job interviews. I just about had a script when I interviewed for my current job