Put it all back

By WTFwhywouldyoudothat - 22/08/2011 22:10 - United Kingdom

Today, my house got broken into. Thankfully, they didn't steal anything. They did, however, move things around into strange places and mess up my underwear. I have severe OCD, so this is probably worse than if they had taken everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 089
You deserved it 4 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This might have been possibly done by someone you know. A prank perhaps? Either way sorry to hear :(

The money you didnt use in buying stuff back will have to be used for therapy. Fyl


BelleBelle_fml 11

Why a single underwear is called a 'pair'...one of the many mysteries of the world.

Because calling it a triple would be ******* outrageous.

Why is 'pants' plural when it's a single article of clothing? Can you buy an individual 'pant'?

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

No, but you have two pant legs. (shrug) I dunno.

Mirorbo, my explanation would be just because it ends with an "s" doesn't mean it's necessarily a plural. For example shorts are not plural for short.

Yet shirt has three holes as do pants and shirt isn't plural...

Wait. Shirts have four holes, just like girls. Nevermind...

iluvevil01 11

Aw I feel your pain. I have OCD to and I could only imagine how crazy Id go trying to put everything back in order. :(

Those damned underwear gnomes and their get rich quick schemes.

At least it wasn't a troll... they steal your socks, but only you're left ones. What's up with that?

They use that single sock to hide their boners ;)

Reminds me of King of the Hill: (dialogue from memory and may not be 100% accurate) KAHN (imitating Hank Hill, after breaking into his house, whilst talking to Minh): "Boy Peggy HIll, you as sexy to me as propane tank, I tell you what..." later... HANK: "Someone broke into my house, moved the coffee table, and drank my orange juice! Bwah!" then... HANK: "So you broke into my house just to move my furniture around?" KAHN: "Oh yeah. That's the biggest reality show in Laos."

Oh god I remembered that episode, But what they did in there... BBBBBWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH =0

TKello 6

Um, this sounds like a personal attack. I think someone knew you were OCD and decided to **** with you in some kind of revenge scheme or something.

Beat me to the punch. Definitely sounds like someone knows the OP too well and has a very cruel sense of humor.

God i feel for you i have many severe OCDs so i get it that really sucks!

I'm so sorry to hear that op. Iv had OCD before. It's not nice

Yes, #31. With therapy you can actually beat psychological disorders like OCD.

cradle6 13

Ehhhh, I don't believe you can ever "truly" eradicate OCD. You can definitely reduce it to a point where it's barely noticeable though. It really depends on how bad it got.

jaylovesyou69 0

Hahahahaha shit that's funnny

Humm there is something fishy about this fml and no it's not op's underwear.