Quick quick

By NoorFML - 13/09/2013 13:24 - United States

Today, I woke up and saw that my alarm clock had fallen on the floor. It read 9:05 am. I panicked because I was late for work. As I frantically got ready, I went to pick my alarm clock up to place it back on my nightstand when I realized it was upside down. The actual time was 5:06. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 039
You deserved it 7 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

At least you could sleep a while longer :)

Well It must have felt awesome to go back to sleep


This is so much better than reporting late to work if the clock actually showed 9:05. Also you have time to sleep OP. Good day at work :-)

Now you can go back to sleep.. lucky you!!

That's when I usually double check my phone to make sure the clock is right. But I understand instant panic in momentsike that!

gczizza1997 15

I see you got a second publish noor

Wizardo 33

Well at least you got to pray early and get an early morning workout...

aww op but don't you have a window you can def tell the difference at that time

Blackout curtains? Or in my case, my bedroom is in a basement that has one tiny window with solid wooden shutters over it, so it's dark as midnight even at noon.

Been there done that. One day I dreamed that I was late for work so I frantically got ready for work was about to head out the door and saw the time on my phone and it was 4am

Wouldn't the 5 have looked wrong?! Fyl though!

CharresBarkrey 15

If it was analog, it would've looked exactly the same upside down.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Lmao. I'm sorry but that sucks. Hope you went back to sleep

\ 28

Or what if Noor thought the clock read 5:06 when it was actually 9:05? Shit'd hit the fan