Quiet night in

By 2 time momma - 23/01/2021 21:58 - United Kingdom - Leeds

Today, as a stressed NHS nurse, I tried to take a relaxing bath, except I dropped my book in the water, my candle set my hair on fire, I slipped getting out and may have broken my finger. The noise woke up my two kids, so I had to start their bedtime routine over again, and I got bath salt crystals in my eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 368
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xxlk4xx 6

ok your relaxing fail was definitely bigger then mind lol, the other night I tried to have a relaxing bath since I've been stressed, tried to play some calming music on the YouTube app and I swear some loud ass add would start playing probably 3 separate times in one "song" so I just gave up 🤣 sorry your bath didn't work out! I've got 4 kids and when you have to redo the bedtime routine it's just exhausting! I'm sorry your night didn't work out! it sounds like you definitely need/deserve a break. you've got this mama


xxlk4xx 6

ok your relaxing fail was definitely bigger then mind lol, the other night I tried to have a relaxing bath since I've been stressed, tried to play some calming music on the YouTube app and I swear some loud ass add would start playing probably 3 separate times in one "song" so I just gave up 🤣 sorry your bath didn't work out! I've got 4 kids and when you have to redo the bedtime routine it's just exhausting! I'm sorry your night didn't work out! it sounds like you definitely need/deserve a break. you've got this mama