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By sugar - 18/10/2010 12:23 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years told his friend that he decided a long time ago that he would never be faithful to a woman. I was sitting next to him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 095
You deserved it 3 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have commenced making out with his best friend right then and there. Then, when he balks about what you've just done, say "What did you expect?" If OP were a guy and his girlfriend had said that, I would advise the exact same thing. :P


I hope you slapped him in the face. I really do.

itsgonnahappento 11
FFML_314 11

Go get herpes and give it to him.

psuboy 0

that's hateful. at least he's honest? still sucks tho

FFML_314 11

Yes, because cheating isn't hateful. He wasn't honest with his girlfriend. He deserves herpes AND the clap. (& I'm not talking about the light)

Fortuitous 0

According to Michael Scott, that would be spelled "H-I-R-P-E-S."

H-I-R-P-E-E-S* I just watched it last night. :]

at 11, so she deserves herpes too? hey go screw your bf over by screwing ureself over too... yeahh bright idea.. not

FFML_314 11

You're stupid, 50. It's called sarcasm.

ujonesy 0

#7, that is hilarious. anyone who cheats needs something like that that they can't get rid of.

Yeah we can be that rough sometimes! But there are some bitches...

You should have commenced making out with his best friend right then and there. Then, when he balks about what you've just done, say "What did you expect?" If OP were a guy and his girlfriend had said that, I would advise the exact same thing. :P

no matter how many profile pics you change it's always the same result: Disgusting! that's what being an idiot is.. doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

FFML_314 11

Of course it's the same result. She can't change her face, you ******* moron. Get a life and find something more pressing to do, other then insulting someones appearance. Especially someone that looks better than you.

perdix 29

What's wrong with you, syedlink27? nerdsgetmehot gets me hot, and I'm a nerd, so if we ever got together, a chain reaction might commence.

Hahaha. Wow. Syedlink, I'm confident enough to know that I'm far from ugly. Why put someone's appearance down? To make yourself feel better about your own, perhaps?

RedPillSucks 31

especially when he's got that big ass nose with that little dot underneath.

First off, you totally win. +10 internets. Also, you're bangin'. In other news, this FML is both hilarious and horrible. That is all.