Ralph and Huey

By justmyluck - 12/02/2010 19:34 - United States

Today, my mom picked me up from school due to me being sick. Afterwards, she took a detour to the DMV, and I waited in the car. I ended up vomiting everywhere, clothes included, and had to sit in the car for three hours while the taste and smells lingered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 726
You deserved it 4 910

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EPICApathy 0

Next time, learn to step out of the car and puke on her seat while you wait on the bench out side. then she learn.

MadaZer0 8

The though of just opening the door didn't come to you... Why exactly?


I love how about 90% of the people here have NEVER heard of something called "Childproof Locks" in car doors, and don't seem to realize that almost all the cars out here don't have manual handles for rolling down windows and they too can be "Childproof locked". OP possibly had no choice but to puke all over themself because with the locks, OP was pretty much trapped inside.

Um Dear Know It All, Seriously, childproof locks? unless OP is a 6 year old then they were sitting up front which everyone knows child locks do not apply. thanks for yet another FAGGLE!

My parents kept the childproof locks on our vehicle for as long as we had the car, even though me and my sister were over 7 years old.

epound28 0

Sounds like your parents turned you into one pussy ass bitch.

Your mom is either a bitch, a dumbass or both. FYL for this story in particular and for sharing any genes with someone like that.

rolling down the window wouldnt be an option if the car had power windows and maybe they had fallen asleep and didnt know they were going to throw up. I've thrown up in my sleep before it was disgusting

Ok, it was insensitive of the mother to run errands while you were with her and sick. No argument there. It was in no way her fault you are to dumb to open the door. I have been sick(usually some form of the bottle flu) countless times in passenger seats and once in a backseat and have never once puked inside. All over and down the passenger side yes, but never inside. YDI for being an idiot.

sucksforyoudude 0

are you so lazy you couldn't open the door and puke outside?

ToddSpald 0
f_your_life_09 0

cuz ya know it's sooooooo hard to open the door....it's ur own fault. u could have just threw up on her seat if u wanted...

Why didn't you open the door, kiddo? For sure, being sick takes its toll on the head, but it shouldn't rob you of that much sense. On the other hand, FYL for having a rotten mother. Willful negligence is uncool. Of course, her reward for being such a wonderfully vile mother will be to clean the bile and smell out of her car. Karma's a bitch, and she deserves it.