
By Anonymous - 10/04/2012 14:39 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, it was the only time in my life that I have ever received an A+ for something. Thank you, eBay buyer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 767
You deserved it 19 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Hah! You did something to earn yours. The only A+ I've ever gotten was my blood type. Thanks, Mom and Dad.

Well... An A is an A either way, right?


xoconnie 8

thats really sad....................... u should really consider getting a tutor man...

thefuckinloser 6

How does OP not deserve this? You've got to be a bad Ebayer of you don't get good ratings.

i laughed, so i clicked FYL. To those who think getting good marks is that easy: just shut up, please ! I'm used to get good marks. However, some people are not and have to work hard to get an A. he's not used to get A+, doesn't mean he always get F.

With grammar like that, I suspect you're lying about getting good marks.

Xly_fml 5

>doesn't mean he always get F >still implies that his/her marks are A+ material Nope.

I understand if school was difficult.

irene40000 4

Really because intelligent people get A's all the time.

hereinnc 12

First time I've ever actually laughed out loud at one of these! However YDI. Not that everyone gets A+ however you took the time to make a FML about it...

Yew doezent need no edocayshin itz wuts insite dat cownts.