Read other books, FFS

By Anonymous - 20/07/2012 20:26 - Netherlands - Delft

Today, I had a job interview, for which I spent hours preparing. My interviewer was nothing more than a pimple-faced teen, and after only two minutes of reviewing my qualifications, he lost interest and started asking such questions as which Hogwarts house is my favorite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 932
You deserved it 3 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

" Pimple-faced teen." hahaha. At least he didn't ask whether you were team Edward or Jacob.


Ravenclaw. All the way. But why is the symbol an eagle instead of a raven? Sense, it makes none!

This actually isn't too surprising; we ask a lot of odd questions at my workplace during interviews. Asking questions like "which Hogwarts house" would give a lot more insight to who the interviewee is as a person than "do you feel you can work a fast pace?" Honestly, with the latter question, who in their right mind would say "no, I prefer to take many breaks and work as slow as possible."

Agreed. The correct answer is Slytherin... Ambition

Britt125 16

I would have threatened to pull out my wand and use "Avada Kedavra" on him. Or, in case it was to determine your personality or something (which would actually be pretty smart), "I like them all equally; The bravery of Gryffindor, the intelligence of Ravenclaw, the loyalty of Hufflepuff, and the ambition of Slytherin." If he's just being an immature little brat though, is that really a job you want?

Well, what is it? Mine is Ravenclaw. And at least he tried to make the interview fun. It's a double-FML if you don't get hired.

GRYFINDDOR! Yaaay! Harry Potter FTW :):):)I would love to be interviewed by that kid :)OMG did this kid look anything like Stan Shunpike? Pimply faced teenager ! :D

itsame0987 18

Where the hell were you applying op? McDonald's? Sorry if this is a repost, saw this and commented. I didn't read all of the comments before mine.

Knightchaser27 25

If someone asked me that in an interview it would make my day.

supermann13_fml 11