Read other books, FFS

By Anonymous - 20/07/2012 20:26 - Netherlands - Delft

Today, I had a job interview, for which I spent hours preparing. My interviewer was nothing more than a pimple-faced teen, and after only two minutes of reviewing my qualifications, he lost interest and started asking such questions as which Hogwarts house is my favorite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 932
You deserved it 3 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

" Pimple-faced teen." hahaha. At least he didn't ask whether you were team Edward or Jacob.


hateevryone 14
WTFmoments75 5

Maybe you should lower your standards for job interviews at McDonalds

WTFmoments75 5

You should probably lower your expectations for McDonalds interviews

Probably Hot Topic. They ask a lot of pop-culture related questions.

How is it even legal for a teenager to conduct a job interview, even in another country? They lack the maturity and mentality for such a serious thing, and this one is even worse if he stops to talk about Harry Potter (which is stupid no matter what). That's B.S.

skyeyez9 24

Slytherin cause they get away with everything.

So, did you get the job? I aced my interview this morning & got a call back saying i was hired... Just sayin'

Could be he wanted to slytherin your chamber of secrets.