Read the instructions

By BlueBaby123 - 25/07/2009 11:30 - United States

Today, my husband and I got a new stainless steel microwave. When we took it out of the package, we noticed it was blue and got angry. We were about to return it, but we called in our 12 year-old daughter to see what she thought about it. She then took off the blue protective plastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 245
You deserved it 88 896

Same thing different taste

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

By Anonymous - 17/08/2022 11:00 - United States - Amarillo

Today, I did the dishes to make my parents happy, even though it's my brother's chore. My mom's fancy new Yeti cup was among the dirty dishes, which also has a Bluetooth speaker on the bottom. I didn't know this, and now the Bluetooth speaker is now ruined, mom and dad are furious, and I apparently have to buy a new one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 058
You deserved it 222

Top comments

So there was a protective cover on your microwave and you didn't realize. Yes, your life is really difficult. Oh how you suffer.

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? I think not...


Ha ha ha ha, wow, this EXACT THING happened at my house, except there was no rage.

Imagine how hard the sales assistant would of laughed at you two!! Just a word of warning, since you are obviously too stupid to know about plastic covering, you know not to put metal in it right?!

CaliChris 9

I agree - this should have been more like "thank goodness our smart daughter prevented us from embarrassing ourselves in the store"

be happy you have an intelegent child, you totally deserve

Hahaha I kind of had the same situation once- I bought the EnV2 and I'd no idea it was supposed to be silver lining, not blue. But I didn't realize because my parents put me through hell with keeping a shitty phone for five years- I hadn't become accustomed to what was "new" lol.

BikerMike 0

at what point will your daughter be smarter than you? oh yea that was way back when she was about three

put a kan of tuna or beans in there... or just a few forks and a knife... set it for 30:00 press start and go take a nap...

You guys know what... That plastic makes a great toy, be sure not to throw it away! Wrap it over your face and it'll make you look blue too!

Amazing comment. =D This hasn't happened to me, but it sounds like an easy enough mistake to make. But then, I'd probably try everything before returning it. I also agree with #18.

zolitical 0


It wouldn't have been so bad except you said it made you angry. Quick to anger much, sheesh! If you had just taken 30 seconds to get your thoughts together instead of just jumping to anger you would have realized there was a plastic protective cover. Working in retail I can assure you that if you had been idiotic enough to return the microwave, they would have shown you 1) that it was stainless and NOT blue and 2) they would have been sure to make you look a fool. Then they would tell everyone they knew about the stupid customers they had at work. Sheesh.

dejavu- I work in retail in appliances and I get this all the time. A couple bought a stainless steel microwave one night only to come the next day to return it because it was blue and not stainless. I told them it was the plastic covering and peeled some off. They were embarrassed. As soon as they left, I laughed and told a few of my coworkers.

I get the same thing in my store allll the time!! "I don't want this one, its scratched!!" "It's a protective cover so that it DOESN'T scratch. See?" "Ohhh. Ok."