
By Anonymous - 08/06/2022 04:00

Today, I made my last mortgage payment and can finally save more money from my pay each month. I’m retiring next week and my pension isn’t even close to my wage. I was better off when I was working to pay the mortgage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 824
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you could have just paid off the house without retiring yet.

Did you have to retire due to health or other factors or could you have worked a bit longer to save a better nest egg?


Did you have to retire due to health or other factors or could you have worked a bit longer to save a better nest egg?

you could have just paid off the house without retiring yet.

Good thing the house is paid. You can either sell it and buy a house further in the boondocks, reverse-mortgage it (not recommended), rent rooms, rent the whole shebang while you go see your extended family, exchange it for another house in Tuscany for two months and work part time to pay the trip, just work part time to pad up your pension, or a combination of those elements.