Read the instructions

By BlueBaby123 - 25/07/2009 11:30 - United States

Today, my husband and I got a new stainless steel microwave. When we took it out of the package, we noticed it was blue and got angry. We were about to return it, but we called in our 12 year-old daughter to see what she thought about it. She then took off the blue protective plastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 245
You deserved it 88 896

Same thing different taste

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

By Anonymous - 17/08/2022 11:00 - United States - Amarillo

Today, I did the dishes to make my parents happy, even though it's my brother's chore. My mom's fancy new Yeti cup was among the dirty dishes, which also has a Bluetooth speaker on the bottom. I didn't know this, and now the Bluetooth speaker is now ruined, mom and dad are furious, and I apparently have to buy a new one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 058
You deserved it 222

Top comments

So there was a protective cover on your microwave and you didn't realize. Yes, your life is really difficult. Oh how you suffer.

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? I think not...


Wow. You guys are idiots. You totally deserve it. I applaud your child for not turning out to be like you guys.

eeee93757 0

People of your intelligence level shouldn't be able to buy or operate home appliances.

Isn't blue suppose to be a calming colour ? and yes YDI definitely

Night22_fml 4

Well, my parents are just like this, except instead of overreacting, they actually CHECK IT.

wow.. a 12 year old is smarter than the both of you

...thank god your daughter's intelligence wasn't inherited from either you or your husband.

wow... owned by a 12 year old... that's jus sad...

you really shouldn't be parents if you're that goddamn stupid

Wow yeah you sound really immature to have children. That's not an FML... that's an idiot.

stupid people... stupid people everywhere.

WolfgangDS 0

This is why we shouldn't kill stupid people: They give birth to smart kids.