Red flags all over the place

By DumpedHisAss - 14/10/2009 15:19 - United States

Today, I got a phone call from my boyfriend, who screamed at me for being a f-ing liar and never taking time for him. He'd called my work and knew I wasn't there as I said I'd be. He was right - I was lying. I'd been driving for the past 10 hours to his family's beach house to surprise him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 297
You deserved it 3 778

Same thing different taste

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People don't seem to understand that there's good lying and bad lying. Good lying is normally done so people can prepare surprises for others. Bad lying is things like covering up that they cheated on their lover with someone they met randomly.


jacobithegreat 0

good for you for dumping his ass!

bugmenotmofo 34

@OP: I hope you just named yourself "DumpedHisAss" to work around all these boring "dump him" comments. Because if you really DID dump him, then you're just stupid, because you're here complaining about how your life sucks, and I bet you're even more frustrated because you're single again. Which is technically your fault. Congrats on that. I mean, look, I can understand what you're saying. You are a nice enough person to travel 10 hours to surprise him*, and he accuses you of lying or even implies you're cheating. A feeling of being misunderstood couldn't get any more intense. However, the situation you were facing was no reason to end a relationship. He had reason to believe you cheating or reason to believe you'd surprise him. Imagine you were in his place. Which one would seem more probable for you? Wouldn't it make you furious? So I guess you're even more frustrated because you are single again, right? YDI. *that's what I assume in your favor. Still, there's the possibility that you just wanted a few days cheap vacation on the beachhouse.

alwaysdrinking 0

first he called your work to talk to you most empoyees get repromanded for talking on a cellphone second you wernt there which means you deserved to get yelled at and being we know that your a liar he probably caught you lieing before so a ten hour drive you woud have had to of given notice to get off of work in which case work would want to know why you wernt there so you would have a fyl for lieing to work for whatever excuse you gave them for this suposedly 10 hour surprise I agree your a lier this post is a lie and 95% chance theres another guy. and your a bitch for dumping him I bet hes a nice guy you just bring out the bad side of him and want people to feel sorry for you.

Umm...don't people have the right to take vacation? Telling your work "I'm going on vacation for a couple of days, so I need time off" should be enough. No need to lie there. And her boyfriend has no right to yell at her just because she wasn't at work. What if she had woken up sick in the morning and wasn't able to go or if she started feeling bad during the day and went home... You're ridiculous.

And if they, I don't know, SAID she was on vacation? Over reaction, okay, but could op actually have been ignoring him before? To dump him because He found out you DID lie but didn't know why and freaked out is a little of an overreaction too.

what a pussy girly man boyfriend you have. i think i live about 10 hours away from you. if you want head for an hour or like it thru the back door your welcome at my place.

It's never ok to lie to your significant other even if it is to suprise him/her. YDI

Wow, I hope you were actually invited there champ

what an ass of a boyfriend, move on princess!

right because it's totally an awesome thing to do to lie to your boyfriend. I think she's the asshole. She lied to try and conceal a surprise, and when he got mad at her for lying, she dumped him? WTF?

omnomnomomnom 0

She never said that the beach was 1O hours away. She said that she had been DRIVING for 1O hours, which implies that she still wasn't there yet. Get your facts ******* straight, please. I'm in a bad mood today.