Red state

By piss off - 08/04/2016 22:05 - United States - Vancouver

Today, a customer at the fast-food joint I work at gave me a pitying look and asked, "How's that liberal arts degree treating ya?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 831
You deserved it 3 211

Same thing different taste


Say that you are okay, just so you don't ruin everybody else's day.

Speaking on behalf of the "smart" degrees, I apologize.

Even if everyone got a college degree we would still need people to dig ditches and flip burgers.

Obviously you have a liberal arts degree or this wouldn't have offended you so badly

How is the OP offended? Posting to FML is often to get a laugh not because someone is particularly offended.

AdamTodddBrown 11

While that's the idea, it doesn't always seem to be the case. Especially if you moderate. Haha

mecouleurbelle 5

I don't have a liberal arts degree and that would offend me. you're just as bad as he is. and just an FYI, I went for psychology.

So if someone called you a thief you would be offended only if you actually were a thief?

I dont know why people look down at fast food workers, they aren't homeless they have a job its a JOB, doesnt make it any less, at least they have a JOB!

ulissey_fml 22

He's chosen to EAT in a fast food joint to start with, whereas you just work there , yeah ? Where do I start ...

As horribly rude as that is, it's also really ******* funny.

Once, while I was working in retail, I was busting my butt to help a picky customer, and offered to call other stores to find what he was looking for. He sneered, "Ooh, you're so smart. Good thing you've got such a high paying job." That "high paying job" paid my way through eight years of university, and now I'm a doctor.

harleyivy 7

I bet the customer doesn't even have a degree or plans in getting one.

Heres a lesson for everyone. Dont choose retarded careers

What's to say that's his career? Having a job is important if you want to keep the lights on.

Here's a lesson for everyone: take any job you can (as long as you don't burn out!) to earn some extra cash because life is expensive.