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I just work here

By stupidapperently - 01/02/2013 04:06 - United States

Today, while checking out a couple at work, I handed them their receipt and wished them a good day. The woman promptly pulled her husband to the side, and whispered to him about how much of a "fucking idiot" I was for making the prices so high. I work at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 732
You deserved it 2 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, you do not deserve that at all. Be happy that you are not as stupid as this woman and know that McDonalds has only one prize everywhere and that the normal cashier cannot influence it.

... What a bitch. It's not like OP made the prices. I'm guessing they didnt order from the "$1 menu". Oh wait, that's probably too expensive as well. Shouldn't eat anything at all!


Well, you do not deserve that at all. Be happy that you are not as stupid as this woman and know that McDonalds has only one prize everywhere and that the normal cashier cannot influence it.

californiapoppy 11

Ba da ba ba ba she wasn't lovin it

What is the prize? And can I participate at different McDonalds for more?

The prize was diarrhea. That's what you get eating food at that place.

Oh now I notice my spelling mistake. I am very sorry, English is not my mother language so I sometimes make spelling or grammatical mistakes. Please forgive me dear internet!

It's really FYL if you complain about McDonald prices... let alone think the cashier had control over them.

MizzErikaHart 8

At least she only whispered it and pulled husband aside. Who cares.

RedPillSucks 31

Yet said it loud enough for others to hear. Annoying people are still annoying.

I hate it when people assume you sit there and write up the prices that morning.. I'm a cashier at a grocery chain (HEB) and people act so rude and blame me for it all.

perdix 29

#55, I love H-E-B! I was in Houston the other day, and the prices were so much better than the ones at Publix here in Florida, that I had to check luggage to bring all of my Central Market booty back here with me!

H-town...! ;) Hope you liked your stay.. Seriously I moved from Ohio and HEB is a freaking awesome store.

KiddNYC1O 20

#1 you are wrong. McDonald's prices for items vary by location.

Well all I know is a Big Mac Combo is around $7.50 (I don't really care about the prices if I'm hungry for it because you can't go to another McDonalds in the same area for a cheaper Big Mac).

... What a bitch. It's not like OP made the prices. I'm guessing they didnt order from the "$1 menu". Oh wait, that's probably too expensive as well. Shouldn't eat anything at all!

McDonald's is overpriced and their dollar menu is crap.

.. Their overpriced dollar menu? Overpriced?Does not compute.

DenBriZel 31

OP's name is a bit ironic, don't ya think?

It's sad how ridiculous some people can be. If it is that much of a problem for her, she could just stay home and make herself something to eat.

FFML_314 11

There's only one acceptable reason to be inside McDonald's, and that's if you're making money. Sounds to me like she's the idiot here. Oh, and maybe if you have to use the bathroom...or want to play in the playplace at 3 AM when you're drunk with your friends.

'Till you get kicked out, and one of your hammered friends decides to bawl their eyes out... That was our last time. :P

RedPillSucks 31

@FFML_314, so YOU are responsible for me, erm..., my daughter getting covered in puke while going down the McDonalds playarea slide.

Then what does it make them, for paying prices that high?

Trapped in a global hypercapitalist society from which there is no escape.

It cannot be a "global hyper-capitalist society" when the economic system varies by nation. The whole world isn't capitalist.

These people are morons, you should of taken back the bill and edited it by adding an extra zero onto each items price to see if they are stupid to actually pay for real high prices.

Purposely ironic name!? I really hope...

CharresBarkrey 15

Aaand that's why they're working at McDonalds.

hellobobismyname 24

Funny. The prices are on the menu board plain as day. They ordered already knowing how much it would cost them. And the lady has to blame OP for the "high" prices? Some customers just have no sense. I feel for you, I was a waitress for three years and you meet some pretty rotten people.

If they think McDonalds, the cheapest place out there, is expensive, they must be poor as hell.

Actually some McDonalds are more expensive than others.In New York City, the cost for a big mac is about $7. The reason is that rent in Manhattan is astronomical, so they have to make a profit somewhere. I am on the android app, so I can't see where OP is. If OP is in a area where the rent for places is expensive, it would explain the high cost.

hellobobismyname 24

Still, the price was no secret. If they had any complaints about the cost why order in the first place?

Next time you tell the broad, "excuse me madam, that's ******* McIdiot to you!!!"