By Anonymous - 21/07/2013 04:15 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Irobot - 15/03/2017 22:00
I just work here
By stupidapperently - 01/02/2013 04:06 - United States
By first time at McDonald's in months... - 27/03/2013 05:04 - United States
By fatty - 29/04/2015 01:36 - United States - West Chester
By retail hell - 12/07/2015 13:11 - United States - Waterbury
By Anonymous - 11/01/2014 02:25 - United States
By korbo7 - 17/05/2016 03:26 - United States - Grand Island
Red state
By piss off - 08/04/2016 22:05 - United States - Vancouver
By fastfoodslave - 06/09/2014 06:11 - United States - Northampton
By Sam - 24/06/2011 04:46 - Canada
Top comments
He's probably right, but if he's your worst customer today, you're doing well!
OP should say, "At least I have a job" or "at least I am not eating the food", to make him feel bad.
Yeah. Then op should've wrote him a strongly worded letter. That'd show him!
How do you know he doesn't have a job??
Welp, my mother is one to look down on people who work in the fast-food business, I explain to her every time we go through the drivethru that the people may just be looking for a better job. Some people just never learn. Hopefully OP, you don't have to deal with more customers like that.
Squidward? Is that you?
Give 'em the special sauce next time.
Mmhmm suuurreee... Spit... ;D
Customers are idiots. So just ignore it. I worked in mcdonalds and we had all sorts of stuff including customers assaulting staff members and customers buying drinks just to pour them over staff members. So you had nothing compared to what they could have done.
They do that stuff because of the "customer is always right" rule which I think is complete garbage you should never disrespect someone who works in a restaurant just because your having a bad day
9/10 times at my grocery store job when a customer approaches me they are ultimately wrong. The only ones who tend to be right all the time are former grocery employees or chefs. I don't hesitate for a second to correct a customer if they're wrong, plain and simple. Saves the hassle of issuing a refund later for their stupidity when buying the wrong product. Besides, you can't possibly tell me a customer is always right when they bring in expired coupons and expect me to honour them. :P The rule isn't enforced in Canada and is typically only brought up by American tourists. The rest of us are generally polite enough to not push the workers too much.
And that is when you spit in his food or have a coworker do it for you. You can have so much power when you work in the food industry and people ought to learn not to piss off the people that handle their food.
I thought people knew about one of life's golden rules : You never **** with someone who prepares your food!
or don't bite the hand that feeds you?
Actually he's not since he's the one eating their food.
I'm lovin' it. Not actually though, why are you serving people McPoison anyway? Worst food.
Most likely it's because it's the best OP can do for now. And McDonald's isn't that bad, but personal I'd never work there. I mean I work as a dishwasher and food prep and sadly get paid more than most McDonald's managers.
@12 Fair enough but I hope he/she doesnt eat there.
Depending on how much a person makes, sometimes they have very little choice on what they can afford to eat. Sadly, McD's is much more affordable than a proper meal. I grew up eating Mac&cheese & hot dogs five nights a week. Nutritionally, that's not much better, and now I can't eat the stuff.
@20 come on bro, dont kid yourself, ingredients for basic meals dont cost much
But they still cost much more than a cheeseburger. If you're like me and you have to pay for college, braces, rent, etc., McDonald's is a luxury.
Nutrition as a luxury>braces as a luxury. Priorities at its finest.
class A prick ignore him

He's probably right, but if he's your worst customer today, you're doing well!
Give 'em the special sauce next time.