
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I fed my cats their usual dinner of canned cat food. Without thinking, I put the spoon I had used for their food into my mouth so I could use both hands to rinse the can before recycling it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 361
You deserved it 33 086

Top comments

pet food is regulated by the fda and should be just as good for you as a can of soup. they did that because homeless ppl were buying pet food cause it's cheaper than ppl food

FDA regulates pet food too cause they found ppl who were poor were eating it as a cheaper alternative to soup


elisewilloughby 0
legend831 6

omg how did it taste, nxt time know where da spoon has been

akd1v 0

Won't do you any harm, or maybe it will!

peachezthelette 22

I've done that once. I used the cat treat can for a cup and i didnt wash it out good enough I guess. i was like 10 maybe younger. I was thristy and couldnt reach a cup in the cupboard&my parents were sleeping and everyone else was, too.. or they mighta been watching a football game, but It was pretty disgusting.

RedPillSucks 31