
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I fed my cats their usual dinner of canned cat food. Without thinking, I put the spoon I had used for their food into my mouth so I could use both hands to rinse the can before recycling it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 361
You deserved it 33 086

Top comments

pet food is regulated by the fda and should be just as good for you as a can of soup. they did that because homeless ppl were buying pet food cause it's cheaper than ppl food

FDA regulates pet food too cause they found ppl who were poor were eating it as a cheaper alternative to soup


even if it were spooning it wouldn't make sense.

I could see myself doing that because I wasn't paying attention. it's pretty funny though right? that stuff just looks nasty!

asnakelovinbabe 16

science diet is crap. read the ingredients! would you eat by-product?

ideasrule 13

There's nothing unhealthy about eating cat food. Plenty of poor people do it every day with no problems.

chukmiguel 0
lunalove88 0

How is that bad? Your liver, kidneys and skin do a terrific job of removing foreign substances from the body, especially mild ones like those found in cat food.

what I want to know is why you didn't just also wash the spoon...