Retail work is hell

By Anonymous - 12/06/2021 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, a girl threatened to castrate me if I didn’t refund her for a remote control that SHE damaged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 917
You deserved it 71

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Threaten her back with defenestration for her sassy attitude. Seriously though, don't let no standoffish broad harass you like that. Stand your ground.

that's just how it is to work with people.. I've been hit, slapped, spat on, chased around and forced into several sexual encounters at my old job. it's just how it is working low paying jobs. and you're not going to get anything out of complaining to management, no money, no time off, nothing.


Threaten her back with defenestration for her sassy attitude. Seriously though, don't let no standoffish broad harass you like that. Stand your ground.

that's just how it is to work with people.. I've been hit, slapped, spat on, chased around and forced into several sexual encounters at my old job. it's just how it is working low paying jobs. and you're not going to get anything out of complaining to management, no money, no time off, nothing.

buddhist_babe88 5

had a customer threaten to sue the store I used to work at because her tv was damaged, and she left the tv. it was delivered and our guys checked it before leaving, nothing was wrong with it at that time. discovered her kid smashed a toy into it