By J. Homen - 30/03/2013 22:22 - United States

Today, the girl I thought I was dating got into a fight with me over the phone. She did this because she bet her boyfriend that she could make me cry on FaceTime. She won the bet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 864
You deserved it 5 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch. Don't worry about it, OP, some people are just complete douches.

Shit like this is why I hate people. WTF is wrong with her?!


what a bitch. Don't worry about it, OP, some people are just complete douches.

Took the words out of my mouth, 1. OP, at least be glad you're not with that bitch anymore, I doubt she deserved ya to begin with.

tjv3 10

Sorry OP . Umm next time a girl tries to make you cry on FaceTime don't give her the satisfaction

saraitkddh 47

a double ouch ! ditch the bitch you're better off without her .

jokes on her bf if you hit that, oh you didn't? fyl indeed

Lant 6

Your a clown dude lol. Screw all of you hating on him because u dont like the way he texts get off ur high horse

30, are you high? Quit being butt buddies with 4, thanks.

30 - You guys gonna make out now, huh? Go ahead, stick your tongue in his mouth. That'll clear the air.

My best friend's girl, it's a quote from that movie with Dane cook. Very good movie for mixed company

Shit like this is why I hate people. WTF is wrong with her?!

people like her shouldn't be in relationships if she was doing something cruel like that just got a bet then she never really cared about you I'm the first place, get someone that is actually worth your time.

Agreed. People are cold and heartless nowadays. Get somebody that is worth loving!

Sorry to hear that OP. Cheer up, just think that almost every girl you meet now will be much better than her.

Megan639 16

Wait, was the whole relationship a sham concocted by her just to make you cry? What...?

Stop going for the bitches actually get to know someone before developing feelings for them

Yes, because everyone controls who they get feelings for..

Yes, that's how it works. Everyone I have every dated started out with "Hi, you seem interesting, would you like to have a discussion?"

Because you can't go "that's a hot bitch" before knowing about there life. /sarcasm