Moan moan moan

By AGluckily - 22/03/2009 01:16 - United States

Today, I was with a group of friends at a bar, and we were all talking about whether we were moaners, screamers, or quiet during sex. My boyfriend said that he was a moaner, which I contradicted. Completely straightfaced, he said, "Well, I am when it's good." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 518
You deserved it 24 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My guess is he said that because you contradicted him. You deserve it. He probably didn't mean it though.

@ #8 and everyone else who makes comments like that; What the hell is up with everyone telling ppl to dump their bf/gf/husband/wife for the smallest things?? Did you know that it is possible to communicate with one another and discuss problems within a relation, maybe have alittle fight, make up again.. Bet you're all single 99% of the time!


My guess is he said that because you contradicted him. You deserve it. He probably didn't mean it though.

arienh4 0

Okay, come on, joke remarks are not FMLs.

please give your boyfriend a high five girls need to learn to take jokes it was kind of mean yeah, but you know, you CAN move you know. Just laying there while the guy does all the work isn't exactly the most stimulating/fun thing in the world.

Pssh pwnd. You shouldntve contradicted him, what did you expect? Besides, it seems like a joke, so cheer up :)

Next time just say "Excuse me" hinting him that you wan't him to back off or something like that! Besides what come's around goes around.

brodizzle 0

Actually, #6, if you say "excuse me" you just sound like a bitch. The English language is the most diverse language on Earth, I think she could muster a "I would like it if you didn't joke about our sex life with our friends." Preferably at some point after the incident, so as not to create an awkward situation. Though I think if you didn't want to talk about your sex life with your friends you wouldn't be discussing your vocalizations with them either, so YDI IMO.

Find out if he was kidding... if he was, learn to pick up dry humour more easily, if he wasn't, dump him!

@ #8 and everyone else who makes comments like that; What the hell is up with everyone telling ppl to dump their bf/gf/husband/wife for the smallest things?? Did you know that it is possible to communicate with one another and discuss problems within a relation, maybe have alittle fight, make up again.. Bet you're all single 99% of the time!