
By doody - 30/12/2009 22:42 - United States

Today, I was in a busy airport bathroom with my three year-old son. While in the process of pulling my pants down, my son decided to open the stall door. I jumped up to yank the door closed, but not before the line of waiting women saw me with my pants wrapped around my ankles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 259
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

of course she locked the door, the locks are not very complicated in public bathroom stalls, three year olds can easily open them.

Why didn't you lock the door? And it's not that embarrassing - they're women too - unless your ****** is deformed or something.


BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

so? dude i wudnt care evn if guys saw tht... ull never c them agen n plus weve all gots vaginas (:

cassiegurl72 0

this is sooooo not a fml. so what a few ladies saw your vag. they are girls too. at least they weren't men. if u were hot, u can give men erections from that lol

Why is that weird? Women take their children in to potty with them all the time. What, are you supposed to leave them in the hallway?

ozymandias_fml 0

YDI for taking a 3 year old to the airport. Show some respect for the other people and either leave the 3 year old at home, or drive. Just because *you* decided to have a kid doesn't mean the rest of society needs to deal with your problems.

OMFG. I am literally laughing my ass off. I am still laughing as I type this, I will probably still be laughing after I log off too.

Sprinter136 2

YDI for bringing your son in the womans bathroom. I am so SICK of seeing this shit in public, ******* boys old enough to be toilet trained in the same stall with their mothers. Theres no need of it after a certain age; standing outside the mens room would work just as good in case something happened.

#100: Do you HAVE children? I would have to assume NO since you're a complete moron. THREE YEARS OLD is absolutely NOT old enough for a mother to just leave her child sitting outside waiting for her because dumbasses like you might be offended. The kid is THREE. He is old enough to walk, run, hide, get into things, and get LOST because their parent SHOULD have taken them to the bathroom with them. That's called PARENTING, you WATCH your child, at ALL times, no matter what you are doing, whether or not it may be an inconvenience. Not to mention the fact that the world is full of sick, terrible people and her son could have been kidnapped if she were to leave him unattended. He's not old or big enough to fight back. And no, noone would have stopped him for carrying a screaming child out of the store . . it happens every day when parents tell their children they won't buy them a toy or something. So please, you impossibly ignorant self-righteous douchebag, go freaking learn something before you try to spout off bullshit, mmkay?

sam11jide 0

So what? Big deal, you're all women anyways.

music_METAL 0

it could of been worse. your son could of pointed and said mommy why do you look like daddy?

@100 you are the biggest idiot ever. @101 thanks for your post something defently needed to be said there