
By Anonymous - 14/07/2010 06:14 - United States

Today, I made brownies for my co-workers. My boss called me into his office, and I though he was going to compliment me on the baking. Instead, he talked about how his 5-year-old daughter can make brownies better than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 692
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its a 5 year old. You can drive and stay up past 10. you win.


mayb you should have tasted it before hand ... hahah fyl

gtdoll 0

Make him pot brownies. Problem solved.

sounds to me like he was just making an excuse to get you into his office...alone.

Ouch, OP, he sounds rude. Reminds me of when I baked them for my bf because some girl (who was taken) flirted with him, even though she knew he had a girlfriend, and made him delicious, moist heart shaped brownies, twice. xD So I made some of my own for him, which are usually great... but I forgot to cover them fast enough and they were dry... he later reminded me that they weren't as good. o_o Maybe we should both try again and prove them wrong, hehe.

what the he'll you are grown and you are botching about who can make brownies better. grow up!!!!

Well technically your boss is bias because he mentioned his daughter's baking. So his opinion has been nullified. Logic win.

bake another batch and put a laxative in his lololololol