
By Anonymous - 14/07/2010 06:14 - United States

Today, I made brownies for my co-workers. My boss called me into his office, and I though he was going to compliment me on the baking. Instead, he talked about how his 5-year-old daughter can make brownies better than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 692
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its a 5 year old. You can drive and stay up past 10. you win.


Well that was incredibly rude of him. Maybe you should ask him how well his 5 year old could do your job, ignorant asshole.

iamchuck 0

Geez, that stuff comes in a box practically made already. How do you mess that up? did you put garlic in it or something?

What a jackass! I'm sorry, I can't believe he said that... :/

#28 I definitely don't use mixes! I went to baking school, so if I were to use a mix it would practically feel like a sin.

danii1996 0

lol ibet ur brownies wer better ... ur boss was probably just jeaolus  and yummy!!!

should've thrown one at him. maturity always works in unfair situations ;)

twinsrback 0

you should have made a few special brownies for him

On Behalf of your co-workers, Thank you for making the brownies, that was very kind of you :). As far as your boss is conserned, oh so many possibilities.... Oh she can? I look foward to her making them next time then.... Really? when's she working fulltime and doing all her adult responsibilities? Gee boss, how are her social skills? I hope she's not learning them from you.... Almost Too easy, sadly....