Right back at ya!

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I had just got a milkshake with some friends. We were about to drive past my ex's house, so I thought it would be funny to throw the milkshake in his yard. Turns out, if you're going 50mph and try to throw a shake out the window, it comes right back at you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 942
You deserved it 104 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for wasting a perfectly good milkshake

Sunako_fml 9

well, we know whose milkshake doesn't bring all the boys to the yard...


LOL OP: i seriously recommend some therapy, for the fact that you were so ******* stupid enough to throw a milkshake out of a fast moving vehicle. Your parents must have made a mistake when training you not to play with your food!! YDI

Your a stupid bitch, seriously, there are starving people all over the world who kill for food, and your throwing it around on the ground?

YDI for travelling 50 mph on a residential road. Dumbass...

YDI for going 50 mph in a residential area... jackass! SLOW DOWN!

CONNIE1390 0


OP: you fail for being a petty trollop ( trollop is fun to say :D) Physics Pwnage And telleostar you clearly don't understand Physics, neither of your scenarios would result in the milkshake not re-entering the car. Insult FAIL.

fretforyerlatte 0

yeah cuz yknow, he would totally come out of his house the next day, see the milkshake, immediately know it was you and why, and fall to his knees in agonizing regret over whatever he'd done to you. worst. revenge. ever.

ohhhhshizzz 0

How would that in anyway hurt him/her? Oh! There's a milkshake in my yard, oh well. Duhh, that's all they are gonna say. It's not like they'd say: "Oh Lord! You have cursed me, milkshake. NOOOOOO!" Grow up.