Right back at ya!

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I had just got a milkshake with some friends. We were about to drive past my ex's house, so I thought it would be funny to throw the milkshake in his yard. Turns out, if you're going 50mph and try to throw a shake out the window, it comes right back at you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 942
You deserved it 104 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for wasting a perfectly good milkshake

Sunako_fml 9

well, we know whose milkshake doesn't bring all the boys to the yard...


Kinda like when he used to cum all over your face and hair....nice catch honey

thundermuffin 0

why were you going 50 in a neighborhood?

eastbaydad FTW And thats what 'No child left behind' really means 0.o

And it's funny how?... Why did you break up? Modern culture has conditioned people to think this is socially acceptable behaviour. **** modern culture.

This is a YDI on so many levels... The Universe has spoken.

LSeb 0

1. You wasted a milkshake. 2. You littered. 3. You're a bad loser (judging from your behavior towards your ex.) 4. You're an idiot for not paying attention to simple logic (the car moving fast). Conclusion - This is life's way of telling you to stop being an retarded asshole..

Why would you even try that? What a waste of a perfectly good milkshake! P.S Your life isn't ****** at all

#164 - are you actually defending the OP, or are you just a stupid, worthless ****?

wait your going 50 by someones house i hope it wasn't in a neighborhood YDI ya dumb bitch!