Right back at ya!

By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 17:47 - United States

Today, I had just got a milkshake with some friends. We were about to drive past my ex's house, so I thought it would be funny to throw the milkshake in his yard. Turns out, if you're going 50mph and try to throw a shake out the window, it comes right back at you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 942
You deserved it 104 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for wasting a perfectly good milkshake

Sunako_fml 9

well, we know whose milkshake doesn't bring all the boys to the yard...


ziqi92 0

its called WIND PRESSURE and u forgot to calculate the traveling component. if u wanted to get that milkshake in the yard u had to throw that thing out the window about 5 seconds early. remember that the shake is traveling at 50 mph as well. physics pwned u and thats thx to ur immaturity

funsize003 0

you fail. why the HELL would you through a milkshake? what is this, middle school? first of all, if you want to be stupid and get revenge, do something GOOD, like pissing on his car door handles. second of all, you're stupid. :)

I'm sure it's not the first time you got a blast of white liquid in the face.

Okay, I'm surprised that only #38 and I have not completely overlooked the fact that the OP said 'your' instead of 'you're.' What the hell has society come to? It's not that hard, idiot.

omgitsseejay 0

#108 who the **** cares, it's not that bad, asshole If you're going to to get them back get 'em back RIGHT Stop the car, sneak into their yard and when they come out, smash the milkshake into their face and yell SUCKA! It would be childish but at least it get's them back. :D

noshitsherlock 0
_itsmeeex1bitchz 0