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Right in the miniature tree

By Anonymous - 31/01/2017 16:41 - Netherlands - Veldhoven

Today, my parents got mad at me because I laughed when they called the bullseye "bonsai" while watching darts. They've always thought it was bonsai. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 571
You deserved it 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's okay! My brother used to think organism was ******, all the way up to freshman year of highschool

I guess they think those little trees are called bullseye trees.


That's okay! My brother used to think organism was ******, all the way up to freshman year of highschool

Yeah, whenever they hit the center a group of soldiers spring from the bushes and charges them with bayonets.

I guess they think those little trees are called bullseye trees.

I have a friend who didn't know that yellow, flowering dandelions and their white, puffy seeding forms were the same plant until she was in high school. We were discussing making wishes on dandelions and somehow the fact that the yellow ones were also dandelions came up, and I found out she'd never known the two were the same plant. Blew my mind.

hmm, thanks for the science lesson! I didn't know that either! seriously, not kidding....

someone call a geologist? we have an earth-shatteringly important fml here

How did they both grow up thinking it was the exact same incorrect thing?

mhvo4 2

Je ziet het wel vaker met Nederlanders die een woord niet goed verstaan en er een ander woord van maken. Zoals bijvoorbeeld met Mama appelsap ?

KuranNayuki 4

Actually, they probably thought it was "Banzai" which is a common Japanese exclamation of celebration. So if you hit a bulls eye, you yell "banzai". It's been spread all over the world the past few decades. I think you were actually a little presumptuous, sorry dude.