RIP in peace

By katta2009 - 29/08/2010 11:29 - United States

Today, my grandmother died. No one called me to let me know she passed. I found out because people kept writing RIP on her Facebook wall. My siblings and I weren't even mentioned in her obituary with the other grandchildren, but they did remember to mention her dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 777
You deserved it 2 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry for your loss, OP. :( and I'm also sorry that whoever wrote the obituary is a dumbass.

Somehow I don't think grandma wrote her own obituary or was in charge of notifying the grandkids. You know, being dead and all.


awww I'm so sorry for your loss find out who wrote the obituary and write asshole on his wall 100 times

FYLDeep 25

How the hell did she make it in the obituaries the same day she died? If they got one out that quick, maybe it's okay they forgot a couple details.

azhein 0

they might not have. maybe the op saw it a couple days later

FYLDeep 25

Nah, it says at the top that she died today.

42 your photo is such a win. I couldn't stop laughing.

24, all FML's start today, it could've been years ago. & someone else had probably written the obituary.

your family sucks, ever think about murdering them?

U obviously were doin somethin wrong as a grandchild if the "dog" even got a mention before u? Maybe didn't visit Granny much?

lilkilla13 0

ydi ur the reason she commited suicide in the first place

Gotta love the total disregard for op's feelings... Good job keepin it real...

It stands for "Original Poster", i.e. the person who originally submitted the FML... Nerdy but used all the time...