Rip it up and start again

By Seriously - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after having just cleaned my office at work, I sat at my desk and opened a can of Diet Coke, which then exploded all over my desk, keyboard, and everything else in its path. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 410
You deserved it 8 373

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

once a diet coke explodes, there's nothing stopping it's path. Entire cities have been wiped out because of diet cokes.

that's why you drink normal coke not diet


jennifer93 0

that's what you get for drinking coke when pepsi is 100x better...

jennifer93 0

yeah Dr Pepper and 7 Up are good too:)

Poo. I wrote this whole response and all that actually posted was "Pepsi". FML.

Forget you all. It's all about Leninade (yes, that's how it's spelled. Google it) . That or Cactus Cooler.

rogueprincess69 0

that short fused can! blowing it's load on your junk

QwertyMcNugget 0

You deserve it for adding an extra period at the end of the last sentence.

jennifer93 0

#64 Agreed.... there was only one sentence and one period lol

64: On the website (not the phone app) it has (had?) an extra period at the end.

"got done"? really? FINISHED and ydi, you shouldn't drink anything near a computer!

did you replace the shake weight with a diet coke?

Lucky for you, diet coke doesn't dry sticky!