Rip it up and start again

By Seriously - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after having just cleaned my office at work, I sat at my desk and opened a can of Diet Coke, which then exploded all over my desk, keyboard, and everything else in its path. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 410
You deserved it 8 373

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

once a diet coke explodes, there's nothing stopping it's path. Entire cities have been wiped out because of diet cokes.

that's why you drink normal coke not diet


michaelm1290 23

You deserved it for not drinking Arnold Palmer's.

This drink blows all the others previously mentioned in this post out of the water.

YDI for fishing for compliments from the waiter. On the bright side, it has no bearing on how you look, but it makes it clear how irritating it can be when people ask questions like that.

I laugh at people who think they are healthier because they drink diet coke.

someone probably shook it up on purpose

use the bottles not cans cuz the cans have a higher risk of exploding :o

it's a good thing diet coke has no sugar and therefore will be extremely easy to clean.

vietguy808 0

diet soda is lame.. bad for u, drink water

CeCi17 0

diet coke is whack yooo... rip key board